
Launch, grow, and unlock your career in data

April 18, 2024

Which chart would you like to show?

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Beginners and advanced designers alike get stuck deciding which chart is right for their data. Next time you're stuck, try this chart guide by Damola Ladipo.

Check it out on Tableau Public here. Click the image below for a hi-res version to print.

April 16, 2024

How to Create a Bar-in-Bar Chart in Tableau

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A bar in bar chart is a type of chart in that allows for comparisons between two measures. It involves placing one measure as the main bar and another measure as a smaller bar inside the main bar. 

This creates a visual representation, similar to a thermometer, showing the progress or comparison between the two measures. 

April 13, 2024

25 Example to Help You Master Calculations in Tableau

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I guarantee that if you study these 25 examples, you'll be on your way to mastering Tableau calculations. 

Credits to Sara Hamdoun and Fuad Ahmed.


How to Create a Proportional Stacked Bar Chart in Tableau

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Proportional stacked bar charts are a good way of showing the size and proportion of data at the same time.

April 10, 2024

How to make sense of ANY data set

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Demystify ANY data set by answering 5 simple questions:

  1. When?
  2. Where?
  3. Which?
  4. Who?
  5. Why?


P.S. Newsletter subscribers get a deeper dive into each of these for FREE when they sign up. Go to to get yours. 

11 Ways to Compare Two Measures

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I don't believe in complexity in data visualization. I stick with simple charts when you needs to compare measures to add context.

Tableau workbook here.

April 9, 2024

The Ultimate Tableau Date Calcs Cheat Sheet

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This date calcs cheat sheet by Luke Stanke is all you'll ever need to master date calculations in Tableau. Includes visual examples that highlight exactly how each calc works.

Simply click the calc you need, copy the calculation, paste into your calculation, and swap out the date field.

How to Create a Floating Bar Chart in Tableau

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A floating bar chart is similar to a Gantt chart, except it shows the range of two data points instead of two dates.

April 8, 2024

How to Create an Enclosed Dot Plot in Tableau

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An enclosed dot plot is similar to a barbell charts except the line connecting the dots surrounds the dots.

April 7, 2024

How to Create a Barbell Chart in Tableau

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A barbell chart is a dot plot that shows two or more points and also connects those points to display the range.

April 6, 2024

How to Create a Histogram in Tableau

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A histogram visualizes the distribution of data over a continuous interval. Each bar represents the frequency at each bin.

18 Ways to Visualize Bar Charts in Tableau

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The SECRET to never choosing the wrong chart...the Bar Chart! Here are 18 options for your next bar chart.

Tableau tutorial and workbook here.

How to Create a Heatmap in Tableau

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A heat map is a good way of showing the patterns between 2 categories of data. They use color to encode the intensity of the relationships in the matrix.

April 2, 2024

60 Ways to Visualize Time Series Data in Tableau

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I don't believe in creating fancy visualization to get attention. I prefer easy to understand. Here's my complete list of 60 unique ways to visualize time series data.

Learn to build them here. View the workbook here. Download it on Gumroad here (for a small fee).

April 1, 2024

#WatchMeViz: Can viral infections be cured with antibiotics?

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I'm really surprised, though maybe I shouldn't be, about the results from a poll of 1206 Americans by KFF. They asked a simple question: 

"Can viral infections usually be cured by antibiotcs, or not? Or do you not know enough to say?"

According to the results, women know better than men, as do adults with higher incomes and higher levels of education.

I took on this data set for Watch Me Viz for Makeover Monday week 14. Check out my final viz here. There's an image below the video.

March 27, 2024

8 Reasons Power BI isn't "FREE"

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Too many IT leaders are ignorant. They are blinded by the allure of Power BI being "free". It's not.
Why I don't use Power BI by Andy Kriebel

What are joins?

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I bet you didn't know how easy it is to understand the 4 types of joins. Let me show you...
Fundamentals of Joins by Andy Kriebel

March 11, 2024

#MakeoverMonday 2024 Week 11 - Housing Vacancies in America

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This week I decided to turn Makeover Monday into a Workout Wednesday of sorts. I wanted to try a technique I haven't used in a while...showing elements on either side of a rank and filtering out the rest.

Want to give it  a try? Get the data here.

  1. Size - 1000x475
  2. Max 4 containers; no tiled containers allowed
  3. Filter out Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico
  4. Clicking on a MSA in the map highlights the MSA in the map and bar chart and changes the MSAs that are displayed in the bar chart
  5. The bar chart shows the rank of the MSA for the metric selected.
  6. There should always be 11 bars (though I didn't test the lowest rank).
  7. The label on the end of the bar and in the map reflect the formatting of the measure selected (i.e., either whole numbers or a percentage to one decimaal).
  8. Include an option to change the measure and to change the number of MSAs on the map.
  9. Create a mobile view
  10. NO LODS!

Have fun! 

March 8, 2024

Visualizing Time Series Data in Tableau

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Last night I was invited to speak at the Chicago Tableau User Group about visualizing time series data. Other than spatial data, time series data is my favorite to visualize. 

There seem to be endless methods for making time series data useful for analysis. Check out this video for 60ish ways to visualize time.

I had a 20 minute slot to present and, of course, I ran over time. I seem to do this with every session I run lately. Be it training for Next-Level Tableau, presenting at events, or running a livestream, I get into a groove and don't want to stop.

I was able to create 14 vizzes in 20+ minutes. I added an extra in this workbook to make the dashboard format nicely.

Click on the image below to download the workbook and dissect it. Get the data here to follow along. 

Have fun!